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Rev. Eikai Meloncelli

Temple Assistant

I was born in a small village in North-East Italy, where the colors of orchards and fields and the work of farmers still marks the passing of the season.


My encounter with the Dharma starts from the loss of someone very dear, a loss that brought many questions and the need to find Answers.

After the decision that Buddhism was my path I sought a way to deepen my connection with the Dharma and finally I was able to take refuge In the Kagyü tradition of Tibetan Buddhism.


But it was only after finding Tendai-syu tradition that my searching was finally over.


I had the pleasure of being introduced to the Rev. Dr. Ryoei Tyler that accepted me as her student and helped me to realize my dream of becoming a priest of the Tendai tradition.


Trought the study and practice of the Buddha Dharma I really hope to live in the ideals of "Forgetting oneself and benefiting others" and to do my best to help and ease the suffering of sentient beings as well as working toward a world where harmony and understanding shine in every corner.


Rispetto ad altre scuole buddhiste, la tradizione Tendai è ancora poco conosciuta in Italia.


Questa tradizione secondo me è molto adatta alla società moderna in quanto fornisce un ampia varietà di mezzi per condurci a realizzare la verità ultima. 


Grazie all' aiuto della Rev. Dr.ssa Ryoei Tyler sono riuscito a realizzare il mio sogno e ricevere l'ordinazione come prete Tendaisyu all' Hawaii Tendai Betsuin alla presenza del Daisojo Rev. Ara Ryokan.


Il mio desiderio ora e diffondere la tradizione qui in Italia tenendo sempre nel cuore l' insegnamento di Dengyo Daishi "Moko Rita" ovvero "Dimenticatare se stessi e portare beneficio agli altri"






Rev. Eikai Meloncelli
Rev. Eikai Meloncelli
Priests after tokudo at Hawaii Betsuin

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