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The Eternal Dharma Light livestream from Mt. Hiei, Japan

The light emitted from the hanging lanterns in front of Yakushi Nyorai sama is known as the Eternal Dharma Light. It has burned continuously for 1200 years without ever once being extinguished.

Replenishing the oil in the oil dishes is being shown now for the first time since the start of the broadcasting of the video of the Eternal Dharma Light.

Replenishing takes place around 9:00 am every morning and from 5:30 pm to 6:00 pm every evening.

Share this experience of viewing the oil replenishing with others. Please pray for the swift end of the Coronavirus pandemic.

The Eternal Dharma Light Fumetsu no Hoto (不滅の法灯)

Mt Hiei Enryakuji

The light which was offered to the Buddha 1,200 years ago by Dengyo Daishi, is a sign of his wish to receive mercy, compassion, hope, emotional support and the teachings of Buddhism. The light has been shining and continues to shine at the Enryakuji Temple for over 1,200 years. "It is a national treasure that a person who brightens at the corner of the world." The light will illuminate where you are now. It will illuminate here and in time, it will shine and protect the world.

Italian Translation: Fumetsu no Hoto / La luce eterna del dharma. La lampada che fu offerta al Buddha 1,200 anni fa da Dengyo Daishi, è un sengno del suo desiderio di ricevere pietà, compassione, speranza, supporto emotivo, e l’ insegnamento del Buddhismo. Questa luce brilla e continua brillare nel tempio di Enryakuji da più di 1’200 anni. “È un tesoro della nazione la persona che illumina un angolo del mondo” La luce illuminerà dove sei adesso. Brillerà ora, e col tempo brillerà e proteggerà il mondo. 栄海

Portugese translation: Fumetsu no Hoto / A luz Eterna do Darma (Monte Hiei Enryakuji) A luz que Dengyo Daishi ofereceu ao Buda há 1.200 anos é um símbolo de seu desejo de receber misericórdia, compaixão, esperança, apoio emocional e os ensinamentos do budismo. Esta luz tem brilhado no templo de Enryakuji por mais de 1.200 anos. "É um tesouro nacional que ilumina os quatro cantos do mundo". A luz brilhará onde você está agora. Brilha aqui e brilhará sempre para iluminar e proteger o mundo.


Chinese translation: 不滅之法燈 這一由傳教大師於一千二百年前獻於佛陀的燈明,象徵著他對有情能夠領受慈悲、希望、情感支持與佛教教導的祝福。不滅法燈已於延歷寺照耀了一千二百年,並將照明不絕。 “照於一隅,是名國寶。” 不滅法燈將照耀到你現在的所在。它會照亮此處,并且在未來,它將恆久照耀並守護著這個世界。


French Translation: Fumetsu no Hoto/ La Flamme éternelle du Dharma, Enryakuji, Mont Hiei La flamme qui a été offerte au Bouddha il y a 1200 ans par Dengyo Daishi, est un signe de son souhait de recevoir clémence, compassion, espoir, soutien émotionnel ainsi que les enseignements du Bouddhisme. La flamme a brillé, et continue de briller au Temple d’Enryakuji depuis plus de 1200 ans. “Celui ou celle qui illumine un coin du monde est un trésor national” La flamme brillera où tu te trouves maintenant. Elle brillera ici, et à un moment donné elle brillera pour protéger le monde entier.

German translation: Fumetsu no Hoto (Das unvergängliche Licht) Hieizan, Enryakuji. Dieses Licht wurde vor 1200 Jahren von Dengyo Daishi dem Buddha gewidmet und steht für seinen Wunsch Gnade, Mitgefühl, Hoffnung, emotionalen Rückhalt und die buddhistischen Lehren zu erhalten. Dieses Licht leuchtet im Tempel Enryakuji seit über 1200 Jahren und wird auch weiterhin leuchten. "Eine Person die einen Winkel der Erde erleuchtet ist ein nationaler Schatz." Das Licht wird den Ort, an dem du dich jetzt befindest erleuchten. Es leuchtet dort und in jederzeit, es leuchtet und beschützt die Welt.

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